Fellow Netizens,
Coming back from my drink and food choice lets ignore the 'firang' part of the Leopold crowd to an extent, and we can conveniently say that this crowd is the part of the population which is the catalyst for the change India Inc. and rest of the world is experiencing today and has been experiencing over last ten years or so. This is the part of population which is most liberal in its approach and minds its own business. This is the demographic group which believes in working hard and partying harder. This is the group which is responsible for creating a new way of life we are experiencing today.
Various reactions have come after these ongoing attacks. Prime Minister gave an address to the nation with very intangible to-do list. Some of my acquintances with RSS mindset were quick to summerize it as an Islamic attack on the Hindus. On the other hand on some forums I saw posts from the Pakistanis who dismissed it as an attack carried out by righwing Hindus to blame Muslims again (after malegaon incidence).
However to me, it is an attack on my way of life. It is an attack on what I all represent and believe in. It is not just an attack on Cafe Leopold or South Bombay alone, it is an attack on the values the civilized world represents.
I am going to Leopold this Saturday and this will be a Mumbaikar's way to say that we ain't scared of any terrorist living or dead.
Jai Hind!